While it might sound like a hack comedy bit to talk about the differences between men and women, a recent study found that the temperature in offices had a notable effect on women’s productivity. I’ll give you one guess on who is usually in charge of setting the temperature in an office…
The HBO series Chernobyl has recently concluded and by all reports it’s brilliant and horrifying. With the renewed focus on Chernobyl, I was very interested to see that while Ukraine still operates a dozen or so nuclear facilities, land in Chernobyl is being leased to create a solar farm. Meanwhile, the New Yorker wrote an insightful piece about what parts of Ukrainian/Russian culture and protocols the series captures well and what it changes for the sake of drama.
NASA will be all over the news in the coming weeks as we hit the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. I’m not looking forward to seeing how Donald Trump can manage to make this momentous achievement seem like a boorish bludgeoning of the rest of the world.On the other hand, I’m glad to see NASA are still using every bit of creativity and ingenuity that have at their disposal to develop this amazing tyre that could feature on future rovers for the Moon or Mars.
Dave Gilmour of Pink Floyd is auctioning off a huge collection at Christie’s. It’s bound to bring in millions of pounds and one or two might be up there with Clapton’s Blackie or Brownie. To attract buyers (and less wealthy guitar geeks) Christie’s have built a virtual showroom that lets you move through the virtual recreation of Christie’s and peruse the guitars and their rough price guides. Bear in mind they seem massively undervalued for some reason. You can’t buy vintage guitars for the prices displayed, let alone one owned by a a name as big as Gilmour.
Ryan Reynolds is a funny bugger. He bought a gin company and then proceeded to prove his marketing genius. It always helps an ad campaign having a famous celebrity at your disposal (plus, their famous friends) but Ryan is really nailing his style of humour in these spots. His (fake) feud with Hugh Jackman was great and his latest ropes in a certain star from a certain documentary about Fyre Festival whose dedication to his job knew no limits. Enjoy!