My favourite news story of the week came from New Zealand where a copywriter (those rebellious buggers) got wind he was about to get the axe at work. The HR department summoned him to a meeting and told him he could bring someone with him as ‘emotional support’. The cheeky chap decided to shell out $200 for an ’emotional support clown’. The clown made light of the situation and the story made global news. Best $200 he ever spent.
Reasons to be cheerful - Nuclear energy?
David Byrne has launched a new website called Reasons to be Cheerful, which sounds optimistic. And the site generally is. Byrne himself wrote about how companies are divesting from fossil fuels. The article includes justifiable concerns around nuclear energy. This week, Byrne’s old mate, and notorious brainiac, Brian Eno, responded directly about how his opinion on nuclear has been changed. It’s thought-provoking, counterintuitive but well laid out.
Not-so cheerful nuclear energy
I finally got around to watching HBO’s Chernobyl. Binged it in one weekend. It’s harrowing and as well-made as you’ve come to expect from HBO. Business Insider has delved into what the show is accurate about and what is invented/changed/exaggerated for the screen. The Chernobyl writer, Craig Maizin, is very eloquent and writes about he approached the truth in Hollywood Reporter.
To change speed a little, This is Patti Smith. Rock poet, brilliant writer and deadset legend, Patti Smith has a fantastic original Instagram account titled ThisisPattiSmith. Well worth a look. Her post about Amy Winehouse is a good example. She writes like the poet she is. Smith is also about to release a new book on 24 September. If it’s anywhere near as good as Just Kids and M-Train it’ll be a treat.
It’s one of my favourite times of the year. No, not Christmas. It’s that time when they announce the finalists of the Global Comedy Wildlife Photography competition. So much goodness to warm the cockles.
Speaking of cockle-warming, I have to share a bonus link today. This came up a while ago and this is a case of creatives and artists using their powers for good. They turned the US/Mexico border wall into see-saws. Follow the link for video. Just melts my cold black heart.